African Union University, International - AUU International

African Union University, International - AUU International




African Union University, International - AUU International is an Online University founded on the premise that geography and circumstance should be no barrier to tertiary education. The University is not affiliated with the African Union. AUU is internationally recognized and licensed by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore, and fully accredited by the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM) Board of Standards.  With a rich heritage and a forward-looking vision, AUU stands as a beacon of educational excellence, research, and community engagement across the African continent. African Union University offers the chance for researchers or students who enjoy conducting research to join us as well as the chance for others to learn about some of the research conducted by African Union University. We always provide alternatives to assist our researchers to benefit from the research that we conduct as the research center in Africa.

1. Our Mission

At African Union University, our mission is to produce graduates who are not only academically competent but also passionately dedicated to engaging in innovative and impactful research. By nurturing a culture of critical thinking and problem-solving, we strive to contribute significantly to sustainable development and positive change.

2. Our Vision

Our vision is ambitious yet aspirational: African Union University aspires to be one of the leading continental universities in research and community development. Our goal is to stand at the forefront of institutions that drive progress, address societal challenges, and foster unity and progress.

3. Our Core Values

Our core values are the cornerstone of AUU's identity and guide our every endeavor:

3.1 Quality and Excellence: Upholding the highest standards in education, research, and service to foster an environment where excellence thrives.

3.2 Responsiveness to Customer Needs: Tailoring our offerings to meet the evolving needs of our students, faculty, staff, and community.

3.3 Good Governance: Embracing transparency, accountability, and effective management in all aspects of our operations.

3.4 Academic Freedom: Encouraging open inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual exploration in an environment of academic autonomy.

3.5 Unity Spirit: Celebrating diversity and promoting unity, creating an inclusive and harmonious academic community.

3.6 Professional Integrity: Upholding honesty, ethical conduct, and professionalism in all interactions.

3.7 Ethical Practices: Committing to the highest ethical standards in teaching, research, and engagement.

3.8 Social Responsibility: Engaging in projects and initiatives that contribute positively to local and global communities.

AUU International is committed to advancing and supporting the work of academics through its research and education programs delivered through its faculties:

I. Faculty of Social Science
Delve into the complexities of human society and behaviour with our diverse programs in History, Sociology, Conflict, Peace and Security, Social Media, Anthropology, Geography, Archaeology, Photography & Journalism, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Criminal Justice and Law, Artificial Intelligence and Law. The Dean of this Faculty is Prof. Ehi Eric Esoimeme Esq.

II. Faculty of Business Administration:
Elevate your business acumen with programs in Accounting, Marketing, Hospitality Management, Analysis, Environmental Management, Public Administration, and Film Directing. The Dean of this faculty is Prof. Paul Allieu Kamara.

III. Faculty of Information Technology
Stay at the forefront of technological advancements with programs in Geology, Computer Science, Information Technology, Website Designing, Cyber Security, Automotive Technology, Software Engineering, and Media. The Dean of Faculty of Information Technology is Prof. Pratik Mungekar.

IV. Faculty of Theological Studies
Explore the rich tapestry of theological studies with programs in Church History, Christian Leadership, and Biblical Law. The Dean of this Faculty is Professor Yvonne B. Bentley.

V. Faculty of Education
Embrace the healing power of nature with our faculty of Naturopathy. Dive into programs that focus on Naturopathy, Herbology, and Nutrition, and learn how to promote holistic well-being and natural remedies.

The Principal Officers of African Union University (AUU International) are

1. Chancellor of AUU International: Bishop Professor Mugume Bagambaki Richard, Ecclesiastical Episcopal conference Presiding Bishop of Upper City Covenant Churches

2. Academic Director/Vice Chancellor and Dean of Faculty of Social Science of AUU International: Prof. Ehi Eric Esoimeme Esq.

3. Registrar/Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Faculty of Business Administration of AUU International: Prof. Paul Allieu Kamara

4. Regional Director for South America and North America, and Dean of Faculty of Theological Studies:  Professor Yvonne B. Bentley

5. Sub Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies and Dean of Faculty of Education, AUU International: Dr. Yongho Louis

6. Regional Director, All Asia and Dean of Faculty of Information Technology at AUU International: Prof. Pratik Mungekar

Since its establishment, AUU International has been involved in very impactful collaborative research with highly reputable organizations like E-Four and AAF. In 2023, AUU International convened a FinCrime Summit in collaboration with E-Four and AAF and Professor Ehi Eric Esoimeme. This can be viewed via this link: In 2024, AUU International published a major book on Combating Financial Crime in partnership with DSC Publications and E-Four and AAF. This research can be viewed here:   


Academic Procession at AUU International

Academic Procession at AUU International


Dated 24th February 2020

Revised: 22nd April 2020, 17th September 2021, 29th June 2022, 20th November 2022, 16th October 2023, 21st October 2023, 1st January 2024, 19th June 2024, 15th October 2024, 30th December 2024 and 3rd of February, 2025.

WHEREAS Approval have been given to Us by the Academic Board of African Union University, International - AUU International and by others praying Us to erect within the said City for the promotion of Arts, Sciences and Learning a University and to grant a Charter with such appropriate provisions therein in that behalf as shall seem to Us meet and fit.

AND WHEREAS We have taken the said Approval and Consent into Our Royal consideration and are minded to accede thereto.

NOW THEREFORE KNOW YE that We by Virtue of Our Royal Prerogative in that behalf and all other powers enabling Us so to do of Our special grace certain knowledge and mere motion by these Presents do for Us Our Heirs and Successors grant will direct and ordain as follows:


1.       Foundation of African Union University, International - AUU International

There shall be from henceforth forever in Singapore, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and USA a University by the name and style of "African Union University, International - AUU International" with affiliate campuses in Seirra Leone and other parts of Africa.


2.       Corporate Body

The members for the time being of the Academic Board and Senate of the University, including the Chancellor, Pro the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Dean/Sub-Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies, Regional Directors, Deans of Faculties, Country Directors/Representatives of the University and all others who shall, pursuant to this Our Charter and the Statutes of the University, for the time being be members of the University are hereby created and from henceforth for ever shall be one body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and a Common Seal by the name and style of "African Union University (AUU International)" with full power and capacity by and in such name to sue and be sued and to take and hold and to do all other lawful acts whatsoever.

3.       University objects

The University shall be both a teaching and an examining University and shall further the prosecution of original research.

4.       The Chancellor

There shall be a Chancellor of the said University who, subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University, shall act for the Chancellor.

The Chancellor shall be a person who has held the post of professor, or principal of a college or an academic institution with not less than fifteen years teaching or research experience.

The Chancellor shall be ex-officio head of the University.

The Chancellor shall participate in the Academic Board meetings and attend academic events and networking with other researchers and field experts.

The Chancellor shall also create awareness about AUU International and refer Students to AUU International.

The Chancellor of the University is Bishop Professor Mugume Bagambaki Richard, Ecclesiastical Episcopal conference Presiding Bishop of Upper City Covenant Churches

5.     Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor/Registrar and Dean/Sub-Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies

There shall be a Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor who is in charge of designing the academic policies, procedures and processes of the said University, reviewing/approving all degree programmes by ensuring that quality assurance is maintained and coordinating academic programmes for the University, including teaching and supervising students. The Vice-Chancellor shall be a person who has held the post of professor, or principal of a college or an academic institution with not less than fifteen years teaching or research experience.

There shall be a Pro Vice-Chancellor. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be the academic and executive officer next to the Vice-Chancellor having purview of the entire university. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be a person who has held the post of professor, or principal of a college or an institution with not less than fifteen years teaching or research experience.

There shall be a Registrar who acts as the Chief Administrative Officer of the University, working directly under the superintendence, direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar is the appointing and disciplinary authority of certain sections of employees of the University custodian of records and common seal of the University prepares and updates the Handbook of the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations. The Registrar is also responsible for documenting the name and profile of every student who has been granted academic approval by the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor. 

Where the Registrar is unavoidably absent, the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor shall function as the Registrar. 

There shall be a Dean/Sub-Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies who works closely with the Director of Academics and International Relations to coordinate postgraduate academic programmes, and teach and supervise students. 

The Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor/Registrar and Dean/Sub-Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies are principal members of the Academic Board. 

The Director of Academics and International Relations /Vice Chancellor shall be Professor Ehi Eric Esoimeme Esq.  

The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Registrar shall be Professor Paul Allieu Kamara.

6.       Regional Directors and Country Directors/Representatives
There shall be Regional Directors and Country Directors/Representatives to be determined by the Academic Board from time to time. The Country Directors/Representatives or, in the case of there being more than one Country Representative, one of those so appointed by the Academic Board, subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University shall act to solidify regional and international partnerships and refer students to the said University.
The Vice Chancellor shall, in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor/Registrar, appoint Regional Directors for other Regions from time to time. The Appointment letters shall be signed by the Vice Chancellor or Director of Academics and International Relations.

The tenure for appointments of Regional Directors and Country Directors shall be for a period of three years, provided, however, that the University may renew the appointments after the expiration period for another three years.

Notwithstanding anything in this section, the appointee and/or the University may terminate the appointment by giving a 30 days notice to the University and by payment of any outstanding amount due.

7.       The Academic Board and Deans of Faculties

The supreme governing body of the University shall be the Academic Board and, subject to this Charter, the Statutes of the University and the Law of the Realm, the Academic Board shall have absolute power within the University and shall have the government and control of the finances of the University and of the good order, practical affairs, business and work of the University. The Academic Board which includes the Chancellor, the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, the Registrar, the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean/Sub-Dean of School of Postgraduate Studies and the Deans of Faculties appointed on a full time basis shall be headed by the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor and decisions shall be made on a two-third majority vote where a quorum of at least three Board Members are present in a meeting. 

Statutes of the University shall regulate the performance of the duties of the Academic Board, the election and continuance in office of the members of the Academic Board and delegation of the Board’s powers and all other matters relative to the Board which it may be thought are proper to be so regulated.

The Vice Chancellor shall, in consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor/Registrar, appoint Deans of Faculties from time to time. 

The tenure for appointments of Deans of Faculties shall be for a period of three years, provided, however, that the University may renew the appointments after the expiration period for another three years.

Notwithstanding anything in this section, the appointee and/or the University may terminate the appointment by giving a 30 days notice and by payment of any outstanding amount due.


8.       The Senate

There shall be a Senate of the University which shall subject to this Charter and in accordance with the Ordinances of the University be responsible to the Academic Board for regulating and directing the academic work of the University in teaching, examining and research and for the award of all Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other academic distinctions of the University and for the discipline of the students of the University.

9.      University powers

The University may confer Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other academic distinctions whether honorary, substantive, dual, joint or otherwise and such Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other academic distinctions shall be conferred and held subject to any such provisions as may be made by the Statutes and Ordinances of the University.

The University shall have power to co-operate by means of Joint Boards or otherwise with other universities, authorities and bodies whether public or private for any of the purposes of the University.

The University may admit to affiliation with it or to any of its privileges any educational establishment or institution or the members or students thereof upon such terms and conditions and subject to such regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Ordinances of the University.

The University may establish strategic partnerships with registered and accredited Institutions and Universities for academic research and exchange of faculties. The names of approved academic partners will be listed in the International Charter and it will be updated from time to time. The current approved partnerships being the Global Academy of Finance and Management, Daaru Salaam University (DSU), E-Four and AAF and Sierra Hope Medical and Fertility Center, University of Sierra Leone. 

10.  Equal opportunities and Renumeration

The University promotes equal opportunities and shall exercise no discrimination on the grounds of political opinion, age, colour, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation in the admission of students, or the appointment or promotion of staff or the awarding of any Degree, Diploma or Certificate, or generally, in the execution of any of its Objects as laid down by the Charter.

As it relates to renumeration, twenty percent of the funds received as tuition for academic programmes will be used to pay the lecturers who have been approved by the Academic Board to teach a particular Course, and who actually teach these Courses. If there is more than one lecturer being approved to teach a Course, the 20 percent will be shared among them accordingly with a fixed amount designated as quarterly payment of salary or teaching fee. The Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor shall be entitled to thirty percent of all funds received as tuition for his role as Chief Coordinator and Full Time Lecturer of the academic programmes. The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Registrar shall be entitled to twenty percent of all funds received as tuition for his role as a Co-Coordinator of the programme and Full Time Lecturer of the academic programmes.  The Regional Directors or other Country Directors who refer student(s) to the University shall be paid an agreed percentage of the fees received based on a separate arrangement. The remaining funds will be saved in the University’s account as designated by the Academic Board for current and future projects, provided that where certain investments have been made for approved University projects by a member of the Academic Board or Faculty Member or by an individual under a separate arrangement approved by the Academic Board, the investor will be paid between 5 to 10 percent of the University’s savings on a quarterly basis until the invested amount has been fully liquidated. 

With respect to honorary doctorates, the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor shall be entitled to thirty percent of all funds received for his role as a Full Time Lecturer, programme coordinator and Chief Administrator of the University. The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Registrar shall be entitled to twenty percent of all funds received for his role as Full Time Lecturer and co-programme coordinator. The Regional Directors or other Country Directors who refer student(s) to the University shall be paid an agreed percentage of the fees received based on a separate arrangement. The remaining funds will be saved in the University’s account as designated by the Academic Board for current and future projects, provided that where certain investments have been made for approved University projects by a member of the Academic Board or Faculty Member or by an individual under a separate arrangement approved by the Academic Board, the investor will be paid between 5 to 10 percent of the University’s savings on a quarterly basis until the invested amount has been fully liquidated. 

The Chancellor, Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Registrar, the Regional Directors, Country Directors/Representatives and other members of the Academic Board may decide to voluntarily contribute some or all of their entitlements to a particular project of the University. When this happens, a written instruction via email must be made to the University by the Director of Academics with a clear instruction to credit the University with the entitlement. The particular amount must be stated. 

All Agreements or appointment letters issued to the Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Regional Directors, Country Directors/Representatives or Staff must comply with the payment modalities in this Charter. Any Clause in an Agreement for any AUU Director or Staff which is inconsistent with the Provisions of this Charter will be void to the extent of its inconsistency. 

11.  Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations

The Academic Board may from time to time make Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations for the University which:

(1)    carry into effect this Charter and its provisions;

(2)    regulate and govern the affairs, business, work and interests of the University including its constituent parts and members;

(3)    regulate and govern the status, appointment and removal of the Principal officers and members of the University; and

(4)    shall promote the objects of the said African Union University (AUU International).

The Statutes of the University shall be those scheduled to this Our Charter and they are hereby declared to be valid and within the powers of this Article of Our Charter conferred.

The Statutes shall specify a procedure to add to, amend, alter or repeal the Statutes from time to time in force. The power to make Statutes shall not be limited by or with reference to existing or any subsequent Statutes or the several subject matters therein dealt with.

Any Statutes to be hereinafter made which are not repugnant to the provisions of this Our Charter or the Laws of the Realm shall be operative and have effect when allowed by Us or by any Committee of Our Most Honourable Privy Council and not before. Such allowance shall be conclusive evidence of the Statutes so allowed being authorised by the provisions of this Charter.


12.  Variation of the Charter

The Academic Board under the leadership of the Chancellor, Director of Academics and International Relations/Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor and Registrar may, after the Senate shall have provided an opinion thereon, at any time alter or amend or add to this Our Charter and its provisions by a Special Resolution passed and confirmed in accordance with the Statutes. Such alteration, amendment or addition shall only become effectual when allowed by Us, Our Heirs or Successors under the sign manual or otherwise as We or They shall deem meet, so that this Our Charter shall thereafter continue and operate as though it had been originally granted and made as so altered, amended or added to. This Article of this Our Charter shall thereafter apply to this Charter as so altered, amended or added to.


Signed: Academic Board of African Union University, International - AUU International

Postgraduate Research Programmes at AUU International

Why study a postgraduate research programme at AUU International?

Our postgraduate research programmes provide you with the opportunity to prepare for both academic and non-academic careers, immerse yourself in a specific area of interest, acquire new transferable skills and make a valuable contribution to new knowledge.

Prepare for your career

A postgraduate research programme is an excellent way to improve your employment prospects. The dedication, skills and knowledge needed to complete these programmes provides the perfect career preparation. A PhD is usually one of the main requirements for a career in academia, demonstrating that you have the necessary expertise to succeed in this field. The skills, knowledge and expertise gained will also help you stand out from the crowd in positions outside of academia.

Immerse yourself in your area of interest

If you want to continue exploring your subject of interest beyond a postgraduate taught course, research study gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself even further. A postgraduate research programme is the ideal platform to become an expert in your area of interest.

Acquire transferable skills

Postgraduate research study is more than writing a dissertation and completing your viva. It also offers additional benefits such as the acquisition of transferable skills such as public speaking, teaching, networking and time management.

Make a valuable contribution to new knowledge

Studying a postgraduate research programme provides the unique opportunity to make a valuable contribution to new knowledge in your specific area of interest.

This sets these programmes apart from other qualifications, enabling your work to potentially become a point of reference for academics and students in the future.


Choosing your research programme

Research programmes (including PhD and MPhil)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a high level globally-recognised qualification that is rooted in original research.


The qualification is awarded for the outcomes of a period of advanced, individual study which demonstrates an original contribution of new knowledge or practice to your chosen discipline.


Studying for a PhD provides you with a unique and exciting opportunity to explore a research topic in real depth.


At the same time you will learn relevant research and professional skills. You will be expected to take the initiative and to develop your own ideas whilst guided and supported by your supervisory team.


The experience of undertaking a PhD will differ between subject areas. Some PhD projects are deliberately multi- or inter-disciplinary, exploring topics at the boundaries of traditional subjects, or applying approaches associated with a range of disciplines to a single research area.

Key facts

            Duration        Thesis

Full-time        2-3 years        up to 80,000 words

Part-time        4-6 years        up to 80,000 words


All of our Academic Schools have PhD opportunities. Search our faculties and courses for a particular research area:

Faculty of Social Science

Delve into the complexities of human society and behaviour with our diverse programs in History, Sociology, Conflict, Peace and Security, Social Media, Anthropology, Geography, Archaeology, Photography & Journalism, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Criminal Justice and Law.

Faculty of Business Administration:

Elevate your business acumen with programs in Accounting, Marketing, Hospitality Management, Analysis, Environmental Management, Public Administration, and Film Directing.

Faculty of Information Technology

Stay at the forefront of technological advancements with programs in Geology, Computer Science, Information Technology, Website Designing, Cyber Security, Automotive Technology, Software Engineering, and Media.

Faculty of Theological Studies

Explore the rich tapestry of theological studies with programs in Church History, Christian Leadership, and Biblical Law.

Faculty of Education

Prepare yourself for a rewarding career in education with our comprehensive programs in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Adult Education, and specialized subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Sport Coaching.

Alternatively, if you’re not ready for a full PhD programme, we offer Research Master's degrees to prepare students for PhD study. More details about this can be found in our programme guide for Research Master degrees:

What to expect from a PhD/MPhil by Research

AUU International offers PhD by Research. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of qualification awarded by universities in Africa, typically aimed at students who have successfully completed a Masters programme.

PhD is awarded for the outcomes of intensive, independent study that demonstrates an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your chosen subject. You will be assessed at the end of the programme by a thesis of 80,000 words which will need to be deemed suitable for publication, in whole or in part in a learned journal or equivalent by your examiners. You will need to defend your thesis and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of your subject at a viva voce (oral examination) before a panel of expert examiners.

By comparison, an MPhil (Master of Philosophy) is a research-based Masters programme assessed by a thesis of 40,000 words. An oral examination may be held at the discretion of the examiners.

Unlike our postgraduate taught programmes, there are no formal lectures or seminars in a PhD or MPhil (Master of Philosophy), and your work is not formally examined until after your thesis has been submitted. Instead, our postgraduate research programmes provide you with the opportunity to undertake research under the expert guidance of a primary supervisor, co-supervisor and mentor, supported by complementary research training.

PhD and MPhil (Master of Philosophy) by Research programmes may start at any time of the year, though we strongly encourage students to begin their studies at the start of the academic year (September). We also offer flexibility in our programmes so that you can choose the mode of study that works for you - full-time, part-time, or distance learning. It usually takes three years (full-time) or six years (part-time) to complete a PhD, while the standard duration for MPhil (Master of Philosophy) by Research is either one year (full-time) or two years (part-time).

Distance learning students will receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students, the only difference being that supervisory sessions will take place via audio and visual communication services such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, rather than in person.


Entry criteria for applicants to Doctoral Study (including PhD and Professional Doctorates)

A minimum of a 2:1 first degree in a relevant discipline/subject area with a minimum 60% mark in the project element or equivalent with a minimum 60% overall module average.

In the event of a first degree classification of less than 2:1, a Masters Degree in a relevant subject area will be considered as an equivalent.

The Masters must have been attained with minimum overall marks at merit level (60%)*. In addition, the dissertation or equivalent element in the Masters must also have been attained with a minimum mark of merit level (60%).

*Or higher where stipulated against a specific opportunity.


How to Apply

You can email the Academic Director of AUU International, Prof. Ehi Eric Esoimeme Esq. with your Masters Degree Certificate from an accredited University, Curriculum Vitae and your research proposal. His email address is or


PhD Syllabus

The syllabus for the PhD degree will depend on the subject opted for by the student. Note that the PhD program is available in almost all the major disciplines, including - Economics, Social Work, Literature, Arts, Psychology, and Social Sciences.

The student will get around 2-3 years to complete their PhD programme. At the end of the PhD degree, the student will have to submit an original research thesis on a particular topic. 

The research paper may include topics like:

Introduction to the subject Literature Review Research Methodology Data Presentation and Analysis Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion

Doctoral Supervision Policy and Procedures


1. Joint supervisors hold joint responsibility for the provision of academic advice and support. Primary responsibility for administrative requirements will be held by the Academic Director of AUU International.

2. Adviser/s provide advice on specific aspects of the research and/or candidature.

3. Responsibility for the quality of work, and for compliance with doctoral regulations, policy and procedure, ultimately rests with the candidate.

4. Relevance, equivalence and appropriateness, where invoked in this policy and associated procedures, are determined by the Academic Board headed by the Academic Director of AUU International.

5. All supervisors (main, joint and co-) must hold the doctoral degree for which the candidate is enrolled, or an equivalent qualification, or a substantial and appropriate record of research outputs.

6. Where scholarly creative work is to be submitted as part of the thesis requirement for the PhD, the appointment of the supervision team is also subject to the requirements of the PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Procedures.

7. All supervisors (main, joint and co-) must be actively involved in research in the candidate’s general field.

8. The main supervisor will normally be the Academic Director of AUU International or an accredited academic board member approved by the Academic Director of AUU International.

9. At least one of the joint supervisors must be an academic staff member at AUU International with a contractual obligation to undertake research, and be accredited as joint supervisor.

PhD or Mphil thesis defence process

The PhD thesis oral defence is the last step in completing your PhD degree and is arranged by the Academic Board chaired by Academic Director of AUU International.

Format of the defence can be in-person, remote defence, or hybrid. The decision on the format of the defence will be agreed upon by the supervisor and student.

PhD or Mphil tuition fees

Students enrolling on a postgraduate degree programme are charged tuition fees by AUU International. Students beginning their PhD in 2024 (or later) will be charged 2000 dollars as tuition fee for full time research degrees and 500 dollars as registration fee for full time research degrees.


Fifty percent scholarship is available for prospective students who enroll between January to December 2024 for the AUU postgraduate degree programme. What this means is that prospective students who enroll will pay fifty percent of the tuition fee which will now come to 1000 dollars and then the 500 dollars registration fee. The total now being 1500 dollars.



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